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Refund / Return and Cancellation Policy

This refund and cancellation policy (the “Refund and Cancellation Policy”) covers the circumstances under which birdaycard.com may in its discretion provide refunds, and is part of the Terms (https://birdaycard.com/terms-of-use). Use of the terms “we” and “us” in this Refund Policy means M company Ltd. By using the Site, you are accepting this Refund Policy. If you do not agree to the Refund Policy, please do not use the Site.

Cancellation Policy

The first time you make a purchase of an our Service via the Site is a first-time buyer (FTB).
We offer a 24 hours money back guarantee on all FTB.

If you feel you deserve a refund, contact us by email (support@birdaycard.com) to tell us why and we will review your request.